- Nomination and Remuneration Committee
- Charter

Adi Pranoto Leman
Adi Pranoto Leman
Mr Adi Leman has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Airlangga University, Surabaya. He started his career with Business Advisory Services of Arthur Andersen Indonesia (1993-2002), he then became Senior Audit Partner, Deputy Head of Assurance and Advisory Business Services of Ernst & Young Indonesia (2002-2007), a Partner of Purwantono, Sarwoko & Sandjaja and Chairman of the Public Accountant Professional Standards Committee and Chairman in Education and Training of IAI-KAP. He is a Senior Management member at PT Infinity Capital (since 2007), an Independent Commissioner of PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. (since 2010) and has been serving as an Independent Commissioner of PT Indoritel Makmur Internasional Tbk since 2013.

Ferry Noviar Yosaputra
Ferry Noviar Yosaputra
Mr Ferry Yosaputra graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Christian University of Indonesia in 1984. He started his career as the Division Head of the Hero Group (1984-1990) and moved on to become Division Head of Finance and Administration of the Salim Group’s business unit (1990-1997), Commissioner of PT Indofinance Perkasa (2004-2006), Commissioner of PT Indonusa Telemedia from (2002-2005), Director of PT Media Citra Indostar (2003-2006), Director of PT Matahari Lintas Cakrawala (2002-2006), Director of PT Adidaya Tangguh (2009-present), Commissioner of PT Agrabudi Jasa Bersama (2012-present), Commissioner of PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores (2008-present), Commissioner of PT Ithaca Resources (2009-present), Vice President Director to PT Fast Food Indonesia Tbk (2001-present). He serves as a Commissioner of PT Indoritel Makmur Internasional Tbk since 2013.

Gina Meilina
Gina Meilina
Ms Gina Meilina graduated from Secretary Academy LPK Budya Wacana in 1984. She started her career as Secretary to Marketing Manager of PT Inter Delta (1987) she then became Executive Secretary to General Manager of PT Lion Metal Works (1988-1996), Senior Secretary to President Director of PT CSM Corporatama (1997-2009), Purchasing Manager of PT CSM Corporatama (2009-2011), Office Manager of PT Multistrada Agro International (2011-2013) and has served as Human Resource Manager of the Company since 2014.
Charter Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Charter Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Audit Committee
Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Corporate Secretary
Internal Audit
Capital Market Institutions & Supporting Professions
Code of Conduct
Risk Management System
Whistleblowing System
Anti Corruption Policy
Communication with Shareholders & Investors Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility