- Internal Audit
- Charter

Yudhi Hermanto
Internal Audit
Mr Yudhi Hermanto serves as the Company’s Internal Auditor since 2015 pursuant to the Director’s Decree No. 464/DNET-DIR/IV/2015. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Master’s degree in Finance. He started his career as an external auditor in Public Accounting Prasetio, Utomo & Co. (2002) and then as Internal Auditor of Group Rimba (2002-2004), Internal Audit Supervisor of Group Tarra (2004-2006), Head of Financial analyst of Progress Group (2006-2007), Head of Internal Controller of PT Hidup Lestari (2007-2010), and Finance and Accounting Manager of PT Kartika Pujakusuma (2011-2015).
Charter Audit Internal
Charter Audit Internal
Audit Committee
Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Corporate Secretary
Internal Audit
Capital Market Institutions & Supporting Professions
Code of Conduct
Risk Management System
Whistleblowing System
Anti Corruption Policy
Communication with Shareholders & Investors Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility